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My preferences

I set my preferences via code from an AutoExec() macro in a global template. That ensures that my preferences are set the way I want each time I open Word. Most of these I got from recording a macro while setting prefs, then reorganizing a bit.

    Public Sub Preferences_Setup()
        With Application
            .DefaultSaveFormat = ""  'Word Document
            With .DefaultWebOptions
                .AllowPNG = True
                .AlwaysSaveInDefaultEncoding = False
                .Encoding = msoEncodingMacRoman
                .PixelsPerInch = 96
                .ScreenSize = msoScreenSize1024x768
                .UpdateLinksOnSave = True
            End With
            .DisplayAutoCompleteTips = True
            .DisplayRecentFiles = True
            .DisplayStatusBar = True
            .StartupDialog = True
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        With AutoCorrect
            .CorrectInitialCaps = False
            .CorrectSentenceCaps = False
            .CorrectDays = False
            .CorrectCapsLock = False
            .ReplaceText = False
            .ReplaceTextFromSpellingChecker = False
            .CorrectKeyboardSetting = False
        End With
        With Options
            .AllowFastSave = False
            .AnimateScreenMovements = True
            .AutoFormatApplyHeadings = True
            .AutoFormatApplyLists = True
            .AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists = True
            .AutoFormatApplyOtherParas = True
            .AutoFormatReplaceQuotes = True
            .AutoFormatReplaceSymbols = True
            .AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals = False
            .AutoFormatReplaceFractions = True
            .AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis = True
            .AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks = False
            .AutoFormatPreserveStyles = True
            .AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail = True
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = True
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning = False
            .AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles = False
            .BackgroundSave = False
            .BlueScreen = False
            .ConfirmConversions = False
            .CreateBackup = True
            .DeletedTextColor = wdByAuthor
            .DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkItalic
            .EnableSound = True
            .FancyFontMenu = True
            .InsertedTextColor = wdByAuthor
            .InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkBold
            .LiveWordCount = False
            .MeasurementUnit = wdInches
            .Pagination = True
            .PasteAdjustWordSpacing = True
            .PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing = True
            .PasteAdjustTableFormatting = True
            .PasteSmartStyleBehavior = True
            .PasteMergeFromPPT = True
            .PasteMergeFromXL = False
            .PasteMergeLists = True
            .PrintBackground = False
            .PrintProperties = False
            .PrintFieldCodes = False
            .PrintComments = False
            .PrintHiddenText = False
            .PrintDrawingObjects = True
            .PrintDraft = False
            .PrintReverse = False
            .RevisedLinesColor = wdAuto
            .RevisedLinesMark = wdRevisedLinesMarkRightBorder
            .RevisedPropertiesColor = wdAuto
            .RevisedPropertiesMark = wdRevisedPropertiesMarkNone
            .RTFInClipboard = True
            .SavePropertiesPrompt = True
            .SaveInterval = 5
            .SendMailAttach = True
            .ShortMenuNames = False
            .SaveNormalPrompt = False
            .ShowWizardWelcome = True
            .UpdateFieldsAtPrint = True
            .UpdateLinksAtPrint = True
            .UpdateLinksAtOpen = True
            .WarnBeforeSavingPrintingSendingMarkup = True
            .WPHelp = False
            .WPDocNavKeys = False
        End With
        With ActiveWindow
            .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
            .DisplayScreenTips = True
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            .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
            .StyleAreaWidth = InchesToPoints(1)
            With .View
                .ShowAll = True
                .Draft = False
                .FieldShading = wdFieldShadingAlways
                .ShowAnimation = True
                .ShowBookmarks = True
                .ShowDrawings = True
                .ShowFieldCodes = False
                .ShowHiddenText = False
                .ShowHighlight = True
                .ShowHyphens = False
                .ShowObjectAnchors = True
                .ShowParagraphs = False
                .ShowPicturePlaceHolders = False
                .ShowSpaces = False
                .ShowTabs = False
                .ShowTextBoundaries = False
                .WrapToWindow = False
            End With
        End With
        With ActiveDocument
            With .WebOptions
                .RoundTripHTML = False
                .AllowPNG = True
                .ScreenSize = msoScreenSize1024x768
                .PixelsPerInch = 72
                .Encoding = msoEncodingMacRoman
            End With
        End With
        RecentFiles.Maximum = 9
        WordBasic.ToolsOptionsEdit _
            SmartParaSelection:=1, _
            PasteRecovery:=1, _
            ReplaceSelection:=1, _
            DragAndDrop:=1, _
            AutoWordSelection:=0, _
            InsForPaste:=0, _
            Overtype:=0, _
            SmartCutPaste:=1, _
            AllowAccentedUppercase:=0, _
            PictureEditor:="Microsoft Word", _
            TabIndent:=0, _
            BsParaAlign:=0, _
            InlineConversion:=1, _
            IMELosingFocus:=0, _
            UndetColor:=0, _
            AllowClickAndTypeMouse:=1, _
            ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle:="Normal", _
            MatchFontWithKeyboard:=1, _
        WordBasic.ToolsOptionsSpelling _
            AlwaysSuggest:=1, _
            SuggestFromMainDictOnly:=0, _
            IgnoreAuxFind:=0, _
            IgnoreMissDictSearch:=0, _
            IgnoreAllCaps:=1, _
            IgnoreMixedDigits:=1, _
            CustomDict1:="Panther:Users:JE:Documents:Microsoft User Data:My Prefs:Custom Dictionary", _
            CustomDict2:="", _
            CustomDict3:="", _
            CustomDict4:="", _
            CustomDict5:="", _
            CustomDict6:="", _
            CustomDict7:="", _
            CustomDict8:="", _
            CustomDict9:="", _
            CustomDict10:="", _
            AutomaticSpellChecking:=1, _
            FilenamesEmailAliases:=1, _
            UserDict1:=0, _
            AutomaticGrammarChecking:=0, _
            ForegroundGrammar:=1, _
            ShowStatistics:=0, _
            CheckSpelling:=0, _
            GrLidUI:=1033, _
            SpLidUI:=1033, _
            HideSpellingErrors:=0, _
        WordBasic.ToolsOptionsUserInfo _
            Name:="J.E.", _
            Initials:="JEM", _
            Address:="123 Main St", _
            UserCity:="Idaho Falls", _
            UserState:="Idaho", _
            UserPostalCode:="8340X-XXXX", _
            UserPhone:="XXX.XXX.XXX", _
            UserEmail:="jemcgimpsey@mvps.org", _
            UserLastName:="McGimpsey", _
            Company:="McGimpsey & Associates"
        End Sub

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