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How SUMPRODUCT and differential rates work

Lets take a look at the variable rate tax formula


which applies to these marginal tax bands:

        Taxable Income                Marginal
  Low Threshold    High Threshold     tax rate
   $     0             $ 6,000           0%
   $ 6,001             $20,000          17%
   $20,001             $50,000          30%
   $50,001             $60,000          42%
   $60,001             and over         47%

The formula looks imposing, but it's actually not too complicated. Here's how we can break it down:

Evaulation of the first argument

The first argument,


creates a 4-element array that compares the top of each of the first 4 brackets to A1, returning TRUEs or FALSEs for each comparison. For example, if A1=15000, then the array would be evaluated as

    {A1 > 6000; A1 > 20000; A1 > 50000; A1 > 60000}



Similarly, if A1=55000, the array returned would be {TRUE;TRUE;TRUE;FALSE}.

When a boolean value is used in a math function, XL coerces TRUEs to 1 and FALSEs to 0. The double unary-minus (-) operators are the fastest way to do the coercion. So


is first evaluated as

     -{-1; -0; -0; -0}

which then resolves to


Evaluation of the second argument

The second argument,


creates a 4-element array that subtracts the top of each of the first 4 brackets from A1, to return the amount in A1 above that bracket. If A1=15000, the array would be evaluated as

    {15000 - 6000; 15000 - 20000; 15000 - 50000; 15000 - 60000}



and if A1=55000, the array would be evaluated as

    {55000 - 6000; 55000 - 20000; 55000 - 50000; 55000 - 60000}

resulting in


When these two arrays are multiplied within SUMPRODUCT(), the result is the amount to be taxed at the next highest rate. For A1=15000:

    {1;0;0;0} * {9000;-5000;-35000;-45000}

which is multiplied as

    {1 * 9000; 0 * -5000; 0 * -35000; 0 * -45000}

which results in the array


For A1=55000:

    {1;1;1;0} * {49000;35000;5000;-5000}

is multiplied as

    {1 * 49000; 1 * 35000; 1 * 5000; 0 * -5000}

which results in the array


Evaluation of the third argument

Taking the latter case, since the first two values are the total amounts above the 0% and 17% brackets, respectively, we can't just multiply $49,000 by 17% and add $35,000 times 30%, because $35,000 of the $49,000 would then be taxed at 17% + 30% or 47%.

The trick is to multiply each amount by the change in marginal tax rates. That way, all $49,000 has the 17% applied, but only $35,000 of that has the additional 13% applied to make a total of 30%. Extending that, the third argument is made up of

    {17% - 0%; 30% - 17%; 42% - 30%; 47% - 42%} = {0.17;0.13;0.12;0.05}

(when entered directly, the values must be entered in decimal form, not percentages). Note that if the marginal tax rate for a higher income bracket was lower than that of the previous bracket (!) the array value would be negative.

SUMPRODUCT() now completes the multiplication:

   {49000;35000;5000;0} * {0.17;0.13;0.12;0.05}

multiplies as

   {49000 * 0.17; 35000 * 0.13; 5000 * 0.12; 0 * 0.05}

resulting in the array


and then sums them

    8330 + 4550 + 600 + 0

for a total tax of $13,480.

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