
General XL Tips

XL Formulae

Using VBA with XL

XL VBA Functions

XL VBA Macros

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Using a Cell as an Accumulator

An accumulator is a cell or cells that keep a running sum of data entered. They can be single cell, so that if A1=6 and the user enters 2 into A1, the result displayed is 8. Or they can be two-celled, where, say, numbers entered in A1 are immediately added to the value in B1. I dislike accumulators on a spreadsheet, primarily because they retain no history - if an error is made, it may be impossible to track down in an accumulator, where if the numbers were entered sequentially in a column of cells, they could be examined and corrected. Nonetheless, there are times and places where an accumulator is desirable.

Accumulators using Macros

The most reliable way to build an accumulator is with a Worksheet_Change() event macro. When a value is input into the cell, that value is added to the accumulated value and placed back in the accumulator cell.

Two cell accumulator

In the two cell accumulator, entries are made in one cell and the total is displayed in a second cell. To reset the accumulator, the value in the accumulator cell can be cleared manually. Here's one way:

   Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
      With Target
         If .Address(False, False) = "A1" Then
            If IsNumeric(.Value) Then
               Application.EnableEvents = False
               Range("B1").Value = Range("B1").Value + .Value
               Application.EnableEvents = True
            End If
         End If
      End With
    End Sub

Single cell accumulator

In a single cell accumulator it is especially important to disable events before writing the value back to the cell - otherwise the loop will continue until XL runs out of stack space. In addition, since the accumulator cell's value is being overwritten by the user, a static variable is necessary. It is also desirable to provide a way to clear the accumulator. Here's one way:

   Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
      Static dAccumulator As Double
      With Target
         If .Address(False, False) = "A1" Then
            If Not IsEmpty(.Value) And IsNumeric(.Value) Then
               dAccumulator = dAccumulator + .Value
               dAccumulator = 0
            End If
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            .Value = dAccumulator
            Application.EnableEvents = True
         End If
      End With
   End Sub

The accumulator is cleared by entering a blank or non-numeric value.

Worksheet Function Accumulator (using Circular References)

A two cell accumulator can also be constructed without VBA using circular references. To avoid an error, first choose Tools/Options/Calculation (Mac: Preferences/Calculation) and check the Iterations checkbox. Enter 1 in the number of iterations box. Now enter the following

B1:   =A1 + B1

B1 will immedately take on the value of A1, then will update every time A1 is changed (or the entire worksheet is calculated). Note that it is very difficult to clear this accumulator - deleting the value in B1 deletes the formula. One can either enter the negative of B1 or edit the cell.

More complex accumulators can be constructed that add conditionally (e.g., only if A1 > B1), but in general, this type of accumulator is unreliable since you can't always prevent the user from recalculating, and there's little or no opportunity to make corrections.

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Quick Links

Building an accumulator with worksheet functions.

New to macros? See David McRitchie's Getting Started with Macros and User Defined Functions